Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Diabetic foot

Charcot foot or Charcot arthropathy is a condition that occurs in diabetic patients. It attacks the bones, joints, and soft tissues on the feet. Peripheral neuropathy is an underlying factor that contributes to Charcot’s foot. 

Charcot Foot

The bones are weakened enough to cause a fracture, and with continued walking, the shape of the foot will change. It is a serious condition that would cause severe deformity, disability, and even amputation.

Notice the signs

The early symptoms would include:
  • Redness in the foot
  • Swelling
  • Warm to touch
  • Pain or soreness

Charcot foot will affect people who have lost sensation in the feet and ankles due to nerve damage. There is no specific cause for it, but there are certain factors that could trigger it, such as:
  • Sprain or injury that is left untreated
  • A prolonged period of walking
  • Foot surgery

It is recommended to have an early diagnosis. The surgeon will examine the foot and ankles to identify the symptoms. The doctor would suggest X-ray and other tests like MRI and Nuclear Scan that confirm the condition.

Based on the stage of diagnosis, the treatment would differ, and it would take several months to treat Charcot’s foot completely. The main concern is to avoid stress on the injured foot. The non-surgical measures would include immobilization, customized shoes and braces, and activity modification. Whereas, for chronic or severe conditions of Charcot’s foot might require surgical management. Based on the severity of the condition, the doctor would suggest the appropriate measures to treat Charcot’s foot.

Preventive measures
There are certain preventive measures recommended by the doctor before and after surgery for the best results.
  • Wash the feet properly
  • Keep the blood sugar level under control
  • Get regular checkups from a foot specialist
  • Check the feet regularly to notice the symptoms
  • Avoid injuries and falls
  • Follow the surgeon’s instructions
Charcot Foot

At Madurai Foot Care Centre, doctors help to identify and provide the appropriate treatment and care for Charcot’s foot.
Blog Reviewed By: Dr.G.Saravanakumar
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